Take a look at the new book, Personality Markers in the Text, published in December 2020 at Publishing House of the University of South Bohemia. The publication focuses on the psychology of language use – on the analysis and interpretation of interpersonal communication using psychological and linguistic methods.
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The aim of this book is to familiarize the reader with the relationships that may be found between the verbal expression, i.e. the form and content of written communication, and the personality characteristics of the communicator, specifically via the application of quantitative computational methods.
The book introduces the theoretical background of psychological-linguistic analysis, selected methods of text and communicator’s personality description, and also the design and results of three original studies on the Czech language.
The aim of the publication is to offer the reader a comprehensive overview of the matter, to present contemporary research findings, and to support further scientific development of this discipline.
Kučera, D. (2020). Osobnostní markery v textu: Aplikace kvantitativní psychologicko-lingvistické analýzy písemného projevu při popisu osobnosti [Personality markers in text: Application of quantitative psychological-linguistic analysis of written text in personality description]. Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta.
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